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Swift’s Copyright Suit “Shaken Off”

Jesse Graham’s lawsuit against Taylor Swift has been thrown out by a US court. Graham alleged that Swift’s hit Shake It Off copied his distinctive lyrics, the melodies being entirely different. See   You decide: Graham’s lyrics: “Haters gonna hate / Players gonna play / Watch out for them fakers / They’ll fake you […]

Proposed Short Causes Procedure in High Court

Pleased to have participated in a really interesting roundtable-type discussion at Shortland Chambers last night. Great feedback received from a number of practitioners who gave up their time to attend. It’s still early days but important to get this feedback and explore all available options. Further progress will be reported/discussed at the upcoming joint NZBA/ABA […]

The Assault Weapon Dilemma

Since the Christchurch mosque attacks the New Zealand Government has tackled head-on the menace posed by military style weapons in the hands of ordinary citizens.

Can Social Media be a Genuine Force for Good?

The live streamed March 2019 Christchurch attacks and the more recent synagogue attack in Germany remind us that hate speech and the use of social media platforms to propagate hatred is not going away any time soon. There is however some positive news. The New Zealand government has just announced that it will be investing […]

Sealegs Saga Ends?

The long-running Sealegs saga seems to have drawn to a close, at least for now, with the Supreme Court declining leave to appeal the Court of Appeal’s decision. It did so on the basis that the Court of Appeal had not made an error of principle (mainly around the issue of functionality and the distinction […]

NZ Bar Association’s 30th Anniversary

Excellent article by Jacqui Thompson and Melissa Perkin, charting the first 30 years of the NZBA’s life, from small beginnings to its central role in representing the independent bar in New Zealand ATB – 30 Years On Article Dec 2018

Lessons on Tyranny

I have just had the pleasure of reading “On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century” by Timothy Snyder – a best selling author and Professor of History at Yale. He has 20 well argued pieces of advice, one of which is: “Defend institutions. It is institutions that help us to preserve decency. They need […]


It was a real honour and privilege to accept the challenge at the Bar Association’s anniversary dinner at Te Puia, the New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute in Rotorua on 22 September, as we learn to understand and embrace our country’s rich Māori heritage and culture.

Sanitarium Wins Weet-Bix Court Battle

Pleased to have acted for Sanitarium in important trade mark infringement dispute, but also the first substantive case to deal with the border protection regime under the Trade Marks Act 2002, allowing detention and forfeiture of goods bearing an infringing sign – see CIV-2017-409-000526 [2018] NZHC 2501    

Auckland Bench and Bar Dinner

At the NZLS Auckland Branch Dinner on 17 August to honour recent judicial appointees, with Maria Dew, Associate Judge Andrew & Mai Chen.