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Nothing Beats a Good Pithy Put-down

This post is directed at the wordsmiths amongst us, including those who advocate for or against a position. We often search for a good analogy or turn of phrase to shred an opponent’s argument. 

Herschel Walker, the former American football running back who is the Republican nominee for the US Senate seat in Georgia in the November elections is making a name for himself as a mangler of the English language and having a rather unsafe pair of hands, his latest effort: “On health care, Herschel Walker has another embarrassing fumble”

On this topic, MSNBC reporter,  Ja’han Jones said Walker: “delivered a meandering response that was detached from reality and syntax.” 

What more can be said – other than, store it away – I’m sure you will be able to use it one day!


Clive Elliott-Barrister

I live and work in Auckland, New Zealand. I am a frequent writer and commentator on intellectual property and information technology issues. I am a barrister, patent attorney, and arbitrator. Before going to the Bar in 2000, I was a partner and headed the litigation team at Baldwin Shelston Waters/Baldwins. I took silk in 2013. Feel free to contact me via phone, email or social media.