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Covid -19 and Copyright

I hope you are taking care and coping with the difficulties caused by Covid-19.

With social distancing and potential self-isolation one benefit might be, that it will enable us to catch up with our reading. While the pandemic is overshadowing everything at the moment, and understandably so, if you have some time to yourself, you may find some interesting material in the Intellectual Property Forum Journal – Issue No 119 – March 2020 – which has just been published.

The Journal has a number of articles with a Trans Tasman focus, including an article I wrote on the copyright design overlap – “The Triumph of Purism over Principle”. In this article, I argue that Australia might wish to seriously consider adopting the pragmatic, and I suggest principled, approach that has been in place in New Zealand since 1984, and in my view works well.

The Journal also contains articles on manner of manufacture by Alexia Mayer and trade mark practice by Sheena Wheeldon.


Clive Elliott-Barrister

I live and work in Auckland, New Zealand. I am a frequent writer and commentator on intellectual property and information technology issues. I am a barrister, patent attorney, and arbitrator. Before going to the Bar in 2000, I was a partner and headed the litigation team at Baldwin Shelston Waters/Baldwins. I took silk in 2013. Feel free to contact me via phone, email or social media.